Restoring normalcy to the Christian Faith

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Posted by Unknown 10:06 AM in ,
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Recently a friend of mine had an opportunity for a position at a church. As part of the interview process he was required to write up a statement of belief. He shared it on his Facebook feed and I thought it was really amazing. I was inspired to write my own. So forgive me if this is a little self-indulgent, but here goes. (Yes, I know I’ve done this before on this blog, but it’s my blog. I can do what I want.)

This I Believe…

I believe in God, the Creator who created
all there is, all there was, and all there will be
God is  creating still, all of Creation shows this to be true
among us, through us,
by the Holy Spirit.
I believe Creation is gifted with meaning
expressed in the gift of freedom of choice.
Life constantly moves, through choice,
toward reunion with God.
Relationship with God and God’s people
reveals our individual purpose and meaning.
I am God’s Child. It is a gift to me that I am meant to share.
Because of this gift
I am called to try to live in the likeness of God
in whose image I was made;
I do this by loving the children of God.
(All of them, for even those who do not know
are still God’s children.)
And by caring for all of creation of which I am a tiny part.
I am called to accept care from them as well.
I believe that God was revealed to us in the person  and divinity of Jesus,
who is Christ.
It is in the life and example of Jesus
and the work of the Holy Spirit
that God’s purpose for my life
and all humankind, is revealed.
The teachings of Jesus,
reveal who we are to be.
And call us to stand against the abusive systems
that marginalize and victimize people for any reason,
even if that means being marginalized ourselves.
It is in the death and resurrection of Christ
that God’s full grace and love is revealed.
I believe that, through the Holy Spirit,
God inspires the children of God constantly.
and provides them gifts to do good works.
Of these gifts the most important to God
and the ones Jesus taught
are the ones Paul identified:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
I believe the church is
the community of believers
called to teach, fellowship, serve, and worship God.
I believe that the church
by the presence of God through the Spirit
is to be a community with open arms
seeking justice and reconciliation.
It is her mission
not only to bring others inside the sanctuary
but to go out into the world and serve.
Open arm accept all
to be renewed, and to serve.
I believe that there is nothing
not the Powers That Be,
not Life,
not Death,
that can separate me,
nor any child of God,
from the love and grace of God,
which was revealed in Jesus,
and is continually moving and creating
through the Spirit,
and which forevermore will be.


All credit goes to Rev. Mark Sandlin. My feeble attempts to build on his words failed miserably and honestly this is more plagiarism than it is anything else. Though it does represent my belief.



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