Restoring normalcy to the Christian Faith

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Posted by Unknown 8:59 PM in ,
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“Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims”.

So f***ing what.

I am a big believer in prayer. Prayer is important.

But prayer without action is nothing. To paraphrase Pope Francis, Pray, then Act, that’s how Prayer works. Even the Bible teaches us that faith without action is dead faith.

And thoughts? What do thoughts do for victims of violence? What good are thoughts to the families of the dead? Not one bit. Like prayer, thoughts without action are nothing.


So stop it. Stop saying “our thoughts and prayers blah blah blah”. They mean nothing. They do nothing. They have done nothing to stop innocent people being murdered by Second Amendment Terrorists.

There. I said it. I said stop saying it and I called the perpetrators what they are, terrorists.

The very next politician or candidate that says “Our thoughts and prayers…” without taking ACTION to end the terrorism perpetrated by the NRA should immediately be called on to quit.

The time to act is now. Right now. Continue to pray, yes. But shut up about it. We don’t want to hear about your “thoughts and prayers” we want to see action. Immediate action. Especially from the Right, from those that claim to be the God-fearing Christians in politics. They need to stop fear mongering about terrorists while at the same time ignoring the terrorists that are right here right now. They need to quit being pretending they will stand strong against ISIS when they are on their knees for the NRA (and yes, inuendo totally implied).

I’m done. I’m way past the point of ‘enough is enough’. I will no longer simply voice my anger and frustration on social media, I’m going to put my money where my mouth is, at least within my power. Starting with the school board and working working my way up to the US Congress, I am going to work to #DisbandTheNRA. And it’s not a popular position, but I say we go even further and  #RepealTheSecondAmendment. I’m totally serious. I’d say “that doesn’t mean you can’t own guns” but that’s exactly what I want. Australia did it, and it works.

But the first step is to stop flapping our mouths, offering worthless ‘thoughts and prayers’ that do nothing.




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